Webtoon Appreciation
Flash Exchange

A low-minimum, fast-paced fanworks gift exchange for your favorite webtoons.


DateWhat's Happening
Sep 27 - 29, 2024Nomination Period
Sep 30 - Oct 2, 2024Sign-Up Period
Oct 4, 2024Assignments Sent
Oct 4 - 6, 2024Creation Period
Oct 7 - 10, 2024Works Revealed
Oct 11, 2024Creators Revealed

Dates begin/end at 11:59 PM and are in U.S. Eastern Time. Countdowns will be provided on social media.

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About & Rules


  • All participants must be at least 18 years old.

  • There are no content restrictions, but all works should be tagged appropriately.

  • Respect your recipient's Do Not Want (DNW) list.

  • Fanworks generated by AI are not allowed.

  • Crossovers are not allowed.

  • Do not reveal which work is yours until creator reveals have occurred.


  • Webtoon Appreciation Flash Exchange is fanworks gift exchange. Every participant signs up to get an assignment to provide another participant with a gift.

  • "Webtoon" is broadly defined as digital manwha for the purposes of this event. (Check the "Nominations" section for more guidance.)

  • Fanfiction and fanart is welcome.

  • Fanfiction should be a minimum of 500 words. There is no maximum, but we suggest aiming for no more than 1,500 words.

  • Art should be a clean sketch, illustration, painting, or equivalent (e.g. Graphics, mood boards, etc are not included in the scope of this event).

  • Pinch hits will be announced but are not guaranteed.

  • Commenting to thank your creator is highly encouraged.

  • If you need an Ao3 invite, please contact the mods.

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How To


  • Nominations are taken through the tag set on Ao3.

  • You may nominate up to 7 fandoms.

  • You may nominate 5 relationships per fandom.

  • You may nominate 5 characters per fandom.

  • Please be sure to nominate characters and relationships under the appropriate category.

  • If you see an issue with the tag set (e.g. duplicate characters or relationships, major errors, etc), please email the mods with the tag as it is in the tag set and how it should appear.

  • There are some mod-created tags in the tag set to serve as examples if you get confused.

Nominations Eligibility

  • For purposes of this event, "webtoon" is broadly defined as digital manwha. Please try to use your best judgment when nominating. (Note: If the title is listed on Lezhin, Toomics, Manta, TappyToon, Tapas, or Webtoon, then it fits the theme of the exchange.)

Formatting Nominations

  • Please alphabetize ships by surname.

  • Nominations for romantic relationships should be formatted like this: Surname First Name/Surname First Name (Canon Title) (e.g. Joo Jaekyung/Kim Dan (Jinx))

  • Nominations for platonic or non-romantic relationships should be formatted like this: Surname First Name & Surname First Name (Canon Title) (e.g. Joo Jaekyung & Kim Dan (Jinx))

  • Nominations for individual characters should be formatted like this: Surname First Name (Canon Title) (e.g. Joo Jaekyung (Jinx).

  • For fandoms without canonical tag(s), please nominate the English title when possible followed by the author name in parentheses (e.g. High Clear (Yoon Byul), Miscreants and Mayhem (Brothers without a tomorrow), etc).

  • For relationships or characters without a canonical tag, please nominate surname then given name followed by the canon title in parentheses (e.g. Han Juwon (High Clear), Ryu Nanmu (Miscreants and Mayhem), etc).


  • You may only offer and request tags in the nominations tag set. We use the tag set for matching via the Ao3 algorithm.

  • You must offer and request between 3-10 fandoms.

  • You must offer and request at least one character for each fandom.

  • You may request between 1-10 characters and between 0-10 relationships under each fandom.

  • Selecting to offer "Any" under your offers means you are open to creating for any nominated character/relationship in the related fandom.

  • When signing up, we suggest including a DNW list.

  • Because of the fast turnaround of this exchange, we also suggest keeping prompts and optional details brief.

  • Unmatchable sign-ups will be deleted. (To avoid your sign-up being deleted, offer as many things as you are comfortable with and check your offers/requests to see how it compares to the sign-up and request summaries toward the end of the sign-up period.)

  • Ao3's suggested drop-down boxes may not populate all possible tags. We suggest copying and pasting your fandom, relationship, and/or character tags from the tag set. If the tag matches the tag set entry exactly, it should go through.

  • Indicate if you are open to treats.

Matching and Pinch Hits


  • Your request will match based on one character or relationship for a fandom.

  • If you have questions for your recipient, please reach out to the mods. Please include your Ao3 username, your recipient's Ao3 username, and your questions. We will forward the questions to your recipient on your behalf.

  • If necessary, please default using the default button under your "Assignments" section of Ao3.

  • Unmatchable sign-ups will be deleted.

Pinch Hits

  • Pinch hits are not guaranteed but will be announced on our social media.

  • To claim a pinch hit, please email the mods. In your email, please include your Ao3 username and the details of the number of the pinch hit you want to claim


  • Treats are works that are created without being officially assigned.

  • Treats are encouraged.

  • Treats may be posted at any time once the collection is open to posting.

  • Anyone may create a treat, including those who did not sign up for the event or anyone whose sign-up was unmatchable.

  • Anyone can create as many treats as they want.

  • Not including timeline, treats must follow the same general guidelines as assigned works.

  • Treats (or any work) may not be given to more than one recipient.

  • If you want treats, check "Set My Preferences" and make sure that "Allow anyone to gift me works" is checked.

Post Your Work

  • To post your assignment, go to your "Assignments" tab in Ao3 and click "Fulfill." This will automatically associate the work with the collection and your recipient.

  • To post a treat, publish the work as normal but add your recipient's username in "Gift this work to" and add "webtoonflash2024" to Post to Collections / Challenges."

  • If you want your work to be anonymous, you may post it anonymously (i.e. by adding it to the "anonymous" collection in addition to the exchange collection).

  • If your fandom does not yet have a canonized tag, which happens when there are not many works on Ao3, please add "Unspecified Fandom" as a secondary fandom.

  • We will reblog/retweet from the hashtag #webtoonflash on Twitter, Blueksy, and Tumblr. (NSFW content must be marked or spoiled as appropriate.)

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Mod Info


About Occasionally a writer and fan event organizer.
Fave Webtoons Walk on Water, High Clear, At the End of the Road
Social @ carrd / twitter / tumblr


About Crazy neurotic fic writer and event planner.
Fave Webtoons Woof Wolf, Banana Scandal, Love Shuttle
Social @ carrd


About I haven't slept a single second since discovering webtoons.
Fave Webtoons BJ Alex, Under the Greenlight
Social @ twitter

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